Who is attending

Cabinet Secretaries: Hear from influential leaders in key government ministries who are championing policies and programs to address pressing social and economic challenges.

Principal Secretaries: Connect with senior officials responsible for overseeing the implementation of government programs and policies within specific ministries.

County Government Leaders and Senior Officials Engage with County leaders representing various counties discussing local development priorities and strategies for inclusive growth.

Members of Parliament (MPs): Connect with elected representatives responsible for legislation, oversight, and constituency development.

CEOs of Govt Agencies : Connect with chief executives leading state-owned enterprises and agencies, exploring their role in advancing socioeconomic development and fostering partnerships with the nonprofit sector.

Directors and Deputy Directors from Ministries, Departments and Agencies: Meet directors and deputy directors from government departments and agencies, gaining insights into the strategic direction and initiatives driving social change.

International Nonprofits and National NGOs: Connect with both international nonprofits working across borders on global issues like health care to learn about their initiatives in Africa, and engage with homegrown NGOs driving change at the national level – both offering valuable perspectives on African development.

International Foundations and Local Foundations: Connect with global and local philanthropic foundations addressing global challenges and promoting sustainable development.

Corporate Social Responsibility arms of Private Sector Organizations : Learn from corporations and businesses committed to corporate social responsibility, philanthropy, and sustainable business practices, exploring partnerships and initiatives that benefit society.

Charitable Trusts: Connect with trustees and executives from charitable and community trust foundations dedicated to supporting a wide range of social causes, providing vital funding and resources to drive impactful projects and initiatives.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): Connect with organizations and community-led initiatives working directly with local populations to address specific needs and drive sustainable development.

Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs)
: Engage with faith-based institutions and groups actively involved in social welfare and community development projects, leveraging their networks and resources to make a positive impact.

Professional Associations: Collaborate with professional bodies and associations representing diverse sectors, including healthcare, education and environment to leverage expertise, resources, and networks for impact.

Academia & Research Institutions: Engage with leading universities, research institutions, and think tanks to gain access to cutting-edge research, data, and insights that inform effective solutions to complex challenges.

Impact Investments: Explore opportunities for funding and support from impact investors, driving scalable solutions for social and environmental challenges.

Social Entrepreneurs
: Discover innovative business models that blend social purpose with profit, driving sustainable solutions to social and environmental challenges while creating economic opportunities for marginalized communities.

Thematic Areas